Brett Campbell

Specialization: Data Services (engineering, visualization)
Education: BS Economics, Portland State University
Home Region: Pacific Northwest USA
Location: Woodland, Washington, USA (Q2 2021)
  • Establish an agency with real-time customer data activation as it's core tenet.
  • Expand operations to Europe and Asia.
  • Provide all business clients with knowledge and accessible choices for the latest enabling technology.
PDF Resumé: (PDF)

Brett received a BS degree in Economics from Portland State University. Since then he has focused on obtaining certifications in relevant commercial platforms to support delivery efforts. He is currently enrolled at the University of Washington pursuing data science and business curriculum.

Brett has successfully passed the Series 65 Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination.

The brief timeline below highlights key events in my personal career.

  • CMO Labs/Allant Group

    (Jan'20 - Aug'20) – Sr Data Engineer
    Sales engineering, CDP , TMS and Analytics implementations, data layer design, tech stack audits, web and mobile applications

  • Metric Partners Consulting

    (Dec'18 - Present) – Sr Principal, Data Integration
    Sales engineering, CDP, TMS and Analytics implementations, data layer design, tech stack audits, business leadership and strategy

  • Founded Bretcamble LLC

    (July'18) –
    Providing services to clients, platform vendors, agencies and consulting firms in various forms of engagement methods (W2, 1099, direct sales).

  • Fisher Investments

    (Nov’15 - July'18) – Global Marketing Platform Manager
    Adtech and martech platform technical strategy, integration and administration, real-time data stream and analytics architect, web production manager for EMEA, tech stack selection and deployment, GDPR compliance expert.

  • CMD, Portland, OR

    (Oct ‘11-Nov ‘15) – Director of Data Services
    Developer of web analytics and tag solutions. Client datamart architect, using of SQL Server and MySQL platforms in AWS. Developer of data visualization strategy and systems, using PHP, lightweight jQuery libraries and Tableau Server.Marketing strategist covering marketing technology integration of tools which address competitor analysis, social listening, marketing automation and audience targeting. Analytics department manager, overseeing all engagements, and permanent and contract staffing.

  • Unfurl Consulting

    (’05 - ‘08) – Owner, Technology Partner
    Responsible for website development, small business network administration, ecommerce, graphic design, contract development, and client relationships.

  • Volt Information Sciences, Inc.

    (’06 – ‘07) – Contract Developer
    Database development, network administration, project support for an online high school startup, acquired by University of Phoenix.

  • Young's Columbia

    (’04 – ‘06) – Programmer/Analyst
    Website development, sole administrator of SQL environments and Cognos BI. Process automation developer and technical solutions architect. Responsible for all reporting and inter-system data exchange.


Tag Management
Google Analytics
Adobe Cloud
Marketing Automation
Relational Architecture