Customer Data Platforms

This is the Age of the Customer

Now, more than ever, a company is evaluated by how well they manage a customer's information and interaction with the brand. Similarly, technology makes it easier than ever to provide a great experience.

These days, if a customer gives you some information, they expect you to apply it to their experience right away. If they update their email, it should be reflected everywhere throughout your systems. If this takes hours or days to update in all of your systems - if it happens at all - then this is not sufficient. Changes to a user profile need to be immediate.

A customer data platform (CDP) is a consolidated repository of 'actionable' information about your customer, their identity attributes and behavioral information. It is an innovative cluster of identity information combined with their engagement activity which can be accessed and used orchestrate your marketing efforts on an individual basis.

Does all data have to live here? No. But all systems should be represented here by an ID, and any actionable data should be present. The CDP enables you to access other systems' information about a person in this manner.

Most importantly, a CDP enables the Marketer to act upon the information collected about prospects and customers alike - in a way that is otherwise a challenge without data science or IT resources.

“We recommend CDPs which meet the general definition as set forth by the CDP Institute, with the added stipulation that data transport should take place in near real time.”

Benefits of a CDP

Having a CDP implemented for your customers enables the following capabilities:

  • Compliance to GDPR consent requirements
  • Reduced marketing tag footprint on your web pages
  • Improved analytics capabilities
  • Real-time audience segmentation
  • Improved marketing preferences controls
  • Compliance to GDPR data transport rules

What we do

These are the ways we support your CDP initiatives:

CDP Selection

Evaluation of your existing stack and guidance through the process of selecting the right CDP for your business.

Adtech Orchestration

Segmentation rules and audience distribution to eligible adtech platforms in real time.

Platform Integration

Consolidation of disparate data streams and system IDs to enable total data activation.