Cloud Infrastructure

The Essential Ingredient for Modern Marketing

Choosing where to host your data systems can be a lengthy and expensive process, but it doesn't have to be.

The reason that cloud infrastructure is dominating is because it solves so many of the issues that IT teams have struggled to address internally for the past 30 years.

Taking your systems to the cloud has never been safer, cheaper, or easier. If your business or project is new or you have the freedom to select cloud hosting over internal IT support, then you are very fortunate. That's because often the biggest hurdle to cloud migration is the disbelief held by IT that things can be this easy. There is a tangible cost for 'unlearning' in this case.

We are here to help you get the right systems set up, secured, and transitioned to your IT team for ongoing ownership. Our documentation standards are second-to-none, and our network of system engineers and platform partners can configure to address any business need.

“Access to simple, secure cloud resources for your marketers and analysts is the key to success for all of the higher order marketing sciences. This is the best guarantee for achieving a paradigm shift in your marketing.”

Benefits of cloud infrastructure

Cloud infrastructure solutions provide:

  • Rapid problem-solving capabilities for your analysts
  • Satisfaction of key prerequisites for many MarTech platforms
  • Compliance to regional data storage regulatory requirements

What we do

These are the ways we provide support:

Migration Support

Review of existing systems and mapping of functions to corresponding cloud services to inform migration planning. Team staffing or agency partner selection if applicable.

Integration Services

We can work with your SaaS product vendors to set up the necessary cloud systems which will make their product work with your business.

Access and Security Administration

For the cloud systems you have, we can make sure only the right individuals or groups have access to the services they need. We provide full service identity access management services (IAM) to keep up with your staffing changes.