
A/B Testing Systems to Inform Personalization

Find the right voice and time for your messages

We all have a vision for our business message, but it's unlikely that we communicate our value in a way which resonates with our target audiences en mass. It is important to understand what our customers click with, and when.

Iterative testing systems provide a way for you to learn how different approaches to communication work for different people. It informs personalization by answering 'what works for whom'. The 'whom' portion of the question is equally as important as the 'what'.

Combined with trustworthy audience segmentation systems (like a CDP), this is a powerful way to optimize marketing and energize your brand. You may even uncover an interested audience that deserves more attention!

“Iterative testing rarely picks a winner. It raises more questions than answers, challenges long-standing brand conventions, and demands from leadership the bravery to change.”

Benefits of experimentation

A sound, statistics-based testing methodology will provide:

  • Data-driven learnings about how new concepts affect conversions
  • Results which improve outcomes for target audience segments
  • A foundation for learning how to approach customer needs

What we do

These are the ways we support your experimentaiton initiatives:

Platform Integration

Selection and implementation of a testing platform within your stack, or evaluation and optimization of existing stack experimentation capabilities if any.

Testing Methodology

We provide a direct, precise and repeatable method for conducting experimentation and evaluating learnings. We can train your analysts to execute and measure results of marketing tests.


Real-time knowledge of who a visitor is (segmentation) allows for site customization rules (personalization). We implement the means for all systems to coordinate and present bespoke experiences for your customers.